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Applying for Social Security Disability Programs

Virtual and In-Person Workshops

3:00 PM to 4:30 PM

Zoom: Every 2nd Tuesday
In Person: 4th Tuesday

You must attend a workshop before scheduling a one-on-one appointment with our Benefits Counselor. These workshops provide a basic understanding of the application process and will equip you with the knowledge and essential skills to apply independently.

All community members are welcome to attend the virtual workshop.

For in-person workshops it’s “first come, first served”, there is limited seating available. Wearing proper facemasks is still encouraged but not required.

Accommodations (ASL, presentation shared in large print, etc.) Please request any accommodations at least two weeks in advance.

To register for our in-person workshop please complete a HIPAA registration form, CLICK HERE to RSVP; or you may call the front desk. There will be no walk-ins.

When you call, please tell us if you are attending as a…

  • A person applying for yourself, and let us know if you are in need of accommodations.
  • Friend or family member.
  • Human Services Professional.

If there are any changes to the workshop, including cancellation we will contact you. If you can’t attend a workshop you’ve signed up for, please let us know by calling the front desk: at 845-452-3913.

Applying for SSI and/or SSDI flyer, click for the PDF