Architectural Barriers Consultation (ABC) is a fee-for-service for business owners desiring to make their properties and/or establishment(s) more accessible to people with disabilities.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a federal law passed in 1990, requires places of public accommodation to be accessible to people with disabilities.
The ADA sets out very specific details regarding what is required for a place to be considered accessible. We have had over 200 hours of specific training in these guidelines. Unlike inspectors, architects, or developers, our sole focus is on the ADA and other state and federal guidelines regarding accessibility. We are knowledgeable about the options available to be in compliance with those laws.
Architectural Barriers Consultation is available to assist you so that your new construction or remodeling is in compliance with the law. Research has demonstrated a 20% increase in customers to businesses that have made modifications to provide accessibility. Compliance with the ADA is not just the law; it is good business. There are over one million New Yorkers who have a disability; therefore, the inclusion of people with disabilities in our communities benefits everyone.
As Architectural Barriers Consultation Consultants, we conduct an on-site survey of your facility. We then follow up with a complete written report identifying all accessibility issues and recommendations for possible solutions.
If you are a business owner seeking services to make your facility accessible, please complete the ABC Request Form below. Please allow at least 10 business days for a response.
Business owner’s- CLICK HERE to submit a Request to schedule a consultation.
If you are the Homeowner with a disability and would like a referral to community resources to modify your home, Click HERE
Lisa Tarricone, Executive Director
(845)452-3913 Ext. 105
– Free Ramp Builder Directory for homeowners with disabilities http://www.ramps.org/free-ramps.htm
– Architectural Barriers Act https://www.access-board.gov/aba-enforcement/architectural-barriers-act-aba
– Rebuilding Together Dutchess County’s “Rebuilding Day Program” applications received from June 1 – September 30, 2024, are for possible consideration of service in 2025. Rebuilding Together Hudson Valley (RTHV) staff will review your application and determine if you are qualified for their services. Qualification means that you meet their basic income and home ownership eligibility
requirements; this does not mean that you have been selected to receive their services. Whether or not you qualify, you will receive notification from RTDC. https://www.rebuildingtogetherdutchess.org/our-programs