Parent Empowerment Program (PEP)


Parent Empowerment Program (PEP) is a new addition to Taconic Resources for Independence, Inc. (TRI). PEP provides training and information to families of children and young adults with disabilities, between the ages of 3 and 22. TRI’s Special Education program offers specialized and collaborative advocacy training, parent-to-parent networking and support, information, and referral services.

We Speak In One Voice to remove barriers and stigma through education, collaborative efforts, and action for rights, accessibility, inclusion, and equality for individuals with disabilities in Dutchess County and their respective families.

What support is available? We aim to assist parents in better understanding their child’s educational rights and developmental needs, improve effective communication with service providers, serve as a resource for the CPSE/CSE process, participate in school reform and improvement activities, promote networking and empowerment “Speak in One Voice,” and support positive relationships between parents and schools, community providers and professionals.

How can families and individuals benefit from this service? By attending enhanced advocacy training, connections, and/or support groups specifically for parents/caregivers of individuals with disabilities across the lifespan, families can feel less isolated and more unified in understanding best practice approaches to various life situations for their loved ones and create a more inclusive community.

PEP Services are Paid for in Part by Dutchess County

RSVP for one of our upcoming Parent Empowerment Program (PEP) Info Sessions! Upcoming dates are:

  • April 7th, 9:30 AM -10:30 AM and
  • April 10th, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM.
  • Click this link to RSVP:
  • You will be emailed the Zoom invitation by the next business day.
Parent Empowerment Program Info Sessions for April 20205. Click for the PDF flyer
Speak in One Voice detailed flyer

Stay Connected!
Follow PEP on Social Media

Josh Garay, PEP Coordinator
(845) 452-3913 Ext. 116

Español.: Patricia Lucio-Penn, Special Education Advocate
(845)452-3913 Ext. 117