Special Education Advocacy

Please complete the Parent Request Form to get started:

Click HERE.

Taconic Resources for Independence, Inc. is a responsive community advocate addressing the needs of families of students with special needs in Dutchess County. Our Special Education Advocates are committed to providing families with information, referrals, and technical assistance to ensure all students receive an appropriate and equitable education within our public schools.

During this time, however, we are facing increasing demand for services and limited staff capacity to address this demand.

As a result, we are limiting our intake response time, which may extend to 3 weeks or beyond before someone is able to return your call.

Entering or returning to our program is a two-step process. Please complete the brief parent request form and someone from our special education department will be in touch with you as soon as they can. We appreciate your understanding until we are able to resume our services at full capacity.

Click on the flyers below for details of upcoming Special Education Advocacy workshops.

APRIL workshops

click on the flyer for the PDF and to read the detailed informaition
Zoom meeting ID: 883 9457 6464
child in an accessible swing at playground

The Special Education Advocates at Taconic Resources for Independence, Inc. (TRI) meets with the parents of students with disabilities to assist them with navigating through the school system. Their goal is to determine an appropriate education that meets the child’s needs. The Advocate provides assistance and education with the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan, and develops a TRI Independent Living Plan to help the parents become self-advocates so their child will stay in school and reach their educational goals.

TRI offers a Special Education Rights Workshop which contains the following content: parents’ and students’ rights, the school district’s responsibilities, how to receive services for a child, the Committee on Special Education (CSE) process, eligibility for special education services, and what actions to take if you disagree.  This workshop is offered weekly during the school year and scheduled at libraries throughout Dutchess County.

Other workshops we periodically offer are: Common Core, Individualized Education Plans, Understanding Evaluation Testing, and Transitioning to Adult Services.

TRI’s Special Education Advocacy program is funded by Adult Career Continuing Education Services – Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR), Office of Persons with Developmental Disabilities – Family Support Service (OPWDD-FSS), and Dutchess County Department of Behavioral and Community Health (DCFS). We must inform our parents whose child is utilizing Self-Direction and willing to receive Special Education Advocacy services to allocate specific funds in the child’s Self-Direction budget. If you have any questions, one of the Special Education Advocates will be happy to sit down with you to answer any questions.

After you have submitted a Parent Request Form, and had your phone consultation with the Special Education Advocate, you will be emailed a HIPAA-compliant link for a Parent Intake. It requires that you have a smart device or computer to sign the online form. If you are having technical difficulty tell your advocate and their administrative staff so they may send you the PDF, or send it via fax, mail, or schedule in person.

School Consent to Release Forms must be updated every new school year.

Each fiscal year, Taconic Resources for Independence, Inc. (TRI) needs to ask our returning consumers to update their files by signing the release of the “Authorization Pertaining To NYSED ACCES-VR.“. This form is for parents with children under age 18.


Barbara Burgoa,
Administrative Assistant to the Special Education Program
(845) 452-3913 Ext. 124

Jennifer O’Neill,
Special Education Advocate
(845) 452.3913 Ext.112

Patricia Lucio-Penn,
Special Education Advocate
(845)452-3913 Ext. 117

Josh Garay, PEP Coordinator
(845) 452-3913 Ext. 116

TRI Special Education Program Handouts:

Parent Empowerment Program (PEP)

Visit the PEP page to learn more!

TRI icon for speak in one voice, Parent empowerment Program

Dutchess County Resources

New York State Resources

Website Resources for Parents of Children with disabilities

Website Resources for Preparing Students with Disabilities for College

Website Resources for Hiring People with Disabilities

*March 21, 2020 Supplemental Fact Sheet Addressing the Risk of COVID-19 in Preschool, Elementary and Secondary Schools  While Serving Children with Disabilities.
Click to download the Supplemental Fact Sheet Handout
Link to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act fact sheet and website.